Sunday, September 11, 2016

The First Six Weeks in Review

After One Week:
The ground is excavated and water lines are in the ground.

After Two Weeks:
Well....this interrupted our progress so there wasn't much happening.

After Three Weeks:
The perimeter was staked out. Forty, 4-foot deep and 18-inch in diameter piers were dug, filled with concrete, and perma-columns were inserted. In this picture, the concrete is already covered back up and basically all you see is the steel part of the columns.

After Four Weeks:
The forms were built in preparation for the concrete slab.

After Five Weeks:
Rod absolutely baked while he laid out a layer of silver insulation. On top of this is a heavy wire mesh. Zip tied to the mesh is hot-water heat tubing that runs 12-inches apart in our living quarters and 18-inches apart in the barn/shop.

After Six Weeks:
The concrete has been poured and the framing has started.

The living quarters are narrower than the barn/shop part so this gives us room for a wrap-around porch that can be seen framed in below.

So, this is where we are at after six weeks of work. At this point, our move in date is before  Christmas.

And here is the main level floor plan. We created it ourselves using 

I would be mortified if someone in the architectural or drafting world ever found out that we did it this way, but the bottom line is this--This barndominium has been our budget plan all along--end of that story. is pretty easy to learn; however, if I didn't have Rod (who has built several houses) sitting right beside me telling me to add measurements to the center of the windows from an outside corner and various other technical construction lingo, then I wouldn't recommend it for actually building something. But it is super fun to play with if you like housing and design. That was a hint to Mrs. Robertson.

That's all for now. Thanks for following!


  1. I love it that you are sharing this. Move in date before Christmas, that's amazing. Have fun. Ronda
